Tuesday, January 13, 2009

New York, Tuesday

Subway to lower Manhattan
Ferry boat to Statue of Liberty and Ellis Island

Dinner at Carnegie Deli (Authentic New York Cuisine--Pastrami on Rye, followed by a HUGE NY Cheesecake)
Then off to see the best of Broadway--Wicked, in the historic Gershwin theater.


Natalie Spring said...

The photos of us mimicking the Rockafeller statue and the whispering Wicked sign made me laugh out loud-- good job sis!

Rojahn Family said...

How fun is T"HIS!!! We LOVED Wicked and want to see it again sometime. Never read the book though. It's awful and it's not even the same story. Just warning you in case you thought of it. This sounds so fun. Wish we could have been there! Miss you!!!