Saturday, July 12, 2008

Heeeelllooooo Mexico!!!! 2008

This year I was less than patriotic as I jumped the boarder southward for the 4th of July. These pictures speak for themselves as I played with my favorite little sister Nat, her hubby Matt, new friends from Vegas and Krystal from San Jorge (St. George).


Natalie Spring said...

Glad to know I am still your favorite! Ha ha. I hope you are getting the wharm of service in DC! Love ya

Anonymous said...

You are a travel queen! I'm glad to see you've had time to do some posting, keep them coming girl!

Rojahn Family said...

You look so good and how fun these pictures are. We're glad you have a blog that we can 'visit' you here and there...and with you EVERYWHERE. Love you! Jenna