Thursday, June 19, 2008

Mystery Guest

I was up visiting my good friend Traci Garff in Northern Utah for memorial day. She is the stake activity chair for her singles stake and she put together a service project here a week or so ago to go plant flowers on Temple Square. I went up to participate since I thought this sounded like a good service project to do. Once we got there I saw all the beautiful tulips that we are used to seeing at conference time, all still in full bloom and gorgeous, but then the head gardener instructed my group to go rip out all the tulips. It was fun, but I have to be honest, something felt innately wrong about ripping out flowers on the sacred temple grounds! ;) Oh, well, I had permission so I guess it was alright. I was just shocked because they were all soooo beautiful and looked perfectly fine to me, but I guess they pull them out, mulch them, and replant regularly so as to keep the grounds fresh.

What was extra fun was as I was leaning over ripping out tulips, I felt someone looking over my shoulder and I turned around to see Elder L. Tom Perry in BYU sweats and a Utah State Aggies hat standing over me asking what in the world I was doing. Everyone laughed to see such a sport. I turned around and said, "You better high tail it out of here, or we'll put you to work too!" He just laughed. I got a picture with him.


Bec, Tim and Boys said...

What cool pictures on your blog, Carri! I love visiting it now that you have some recent posts! You are doing such cool things. I love this picture.

BYU Lewis said...

I can't believe you said that to an apostle...I love it!

Tulsi said...

Hi Carri,
This is Tulsi Johns Esplin, from Kanab. I have no clue how I happened on your blog. I just kind of got here. And I wasn't positive it was you, but some Clarkson's look like they did when they were little. And your parent's look the same. You are rather world traveled!! My husband travels the world with the Military. I get presents, but don't know that I'd want to go when he does:) Just thought I'd say hi. I never get to Kanab, so I never see anyone unless I get to a school reunion. Have your parents come home yet? My granny told me when they had their farewell - that aren't called that any more - but I don't remember when that was.

Tulsi Esplin